Partial Sun Eclipse on May 31. 2003
I observe this eclipse from my observatory with guest from Astronomical society Vidulini. Maximum of eclipse was in time when Sun rise in Croatia. This circumstances give us give us a cataclysmic atmosphere: Sun covered with Moon, rise over eastern horizon!

Image taken with Olympus Camedia 730UZ at 5:18 local time - nine minutes after sunrise (3:18UT).

Image obtained through a Minolta tele 300mm with 2x teleconverter (Fujicolor 200) at 5:30 local time or 3:30UT.

Sun at 5:44 local time (3:44UT) through a Celestron refractor 102mm/f5 and 25mm Plosl, Mylar filter and orange photographic filter on Olympus Camedia C730UZ.

Sun image at 6:05 LT (4:05UT). Moon was uncover great sun spot.
I observed this event with friends, amateur from Zagreb and Astronomical society Vidulini - Marino Tumpić and other members.