Main setup since 2011 is Celestron EdgeHD 9,25 with "piggybacked" refractor William Optics FLT 98/618mm, f6,3 triplet fluorite APO.
Maybe you dont beleive but Celestron CGEM is cappable enough to carry this weight.

Latest 2020. setup for mobile imaging.
State of arte Celestron Advancex VX mount and WO FLT 98/618mm.
Night action with SBIG ST 8300C CCD and guider ZWO ASI 120C

WO FLT98 has stunning optics : air spaced triplet f6.3 designed by leading Russian designer with FPL-53 glass. DDG (Digidal Display Gauge) focuser enable focusing easy and precise.
View through a telescope is sharp and has great color correction make it ideal for astrophotography.
I discover CCD world of digital photography since 1999. First camera was Celestron/SBIG Pixcel 237. Later, my primary CCD camera become Starlight Xpress SXVF M8C 4Mp "one-shot" color CCD camera.
Since 2011. my favorite camera is SBIG ST8300C , "one-shot" 8,3Mp CCD camera. As autoguider I use QHY5C. I use also Canon DSLR EOS 500D.

Collection of eyepiece and Barlows:
Back row: WO field flattener/reducer IV 0,8x; TeleVue powermate Barlow 5x; OPT ED 2x Barlow; TeleVue 0,8x field flattener/reducer.
Front row: eyepiece Celestron 10mm Plosl; Soligor 25mm Plosl; celestron OMNI 20mm Plosl; Celestron 35mm Ultima series; Celestron Axiom XL 23mm, 2 inch.