Deep Sky Gallery

The Orion Nebula is the brightest diffuse nebula in the sky, visible to the naked eye. At distance of 1 600 light years this is also a big object in the sky - 66x60 arc minutes, thus covering four times area of the full Moon.This cloud of gas and dust is a vast stellar nursery. Above M42 is NGC 1977,a reflection nebula called the Running Man. Image is obtained through a William Optics FLT 98/618 refractor , TeleVue field flattener/focal reducer 0,8x, SBIG ST8300C CCD camera, 7x5 minutes exp.

Messier 81 (left) is a grand design spiral galaxy about 12 million light-years away, with a diameter of 90,000 light years. Messier 82 (right - also known as Cigar Galaxy) is a starburst galaxy approximately 12 million light-years.The starburst activity is thought to have been triggered by interaction with neighboring galaxy M81. Megrez 80/480mm triplet fluorite Apo;Starlight Express SXVF-M8C CCD, Losmandy GM8 , 2x5 + 10x10 minutes exposure. 13. September 2006.

The Helix Nebula is one of the closest of all planetary nebulae and one of the apparently largest planetaries known. At a distance of 450 light years, its apparent size covers an area of 16 arc minutes diameter, more than half of that of the full moon. Image is obtained through a refractor William Optics FLT98 (98/618 mm), TeleVue field flattener/reducer 0,8x, Lumicon DeepSky filter, SBIG ST8300 CCD camera, guided on QHY5 , 7x10 minutes exposure. July, 2012.

The Orion Nebula is the brightest diffuse nebula in the sky, visible to the naked eye. At distance of 1 600 light years this is also a big object in the sky - 66x60 arc minutes, thus covering four times area of the full Moon.This cloud of gas and dust is a vast stellar nursery. Above M42 is NGC 1977,a reflection nebula called the Running Man. Image is obtained through a William Optics FLT 98/618 refractor , TeleVue field flattener/focal reducer 0,8x, SBIG ST8300C CCD camera, 7x5 minutes exp.