The sixth planet from the Sun, the second largest planet in our solar system, Saturn, is attractive sky object for watching and photographing.
In 1610, Italian Galileo Galilei was the first astronomer to gaze at Saturn through a telescope. To his surprise, he saw a pair of objects on either side of the planet, which he later drew as "cup handles" attached to the planet on each side. In 1659, Dutch astronomer Christian Huygens announced that this was a ring encircling the planet. In 1675, Italian-born astronomer Jean Dominique Cassini discovered a gap between what are now called the A and B rings.
Its intricate ring system has fascinated astronomers for centuries. The rings are made of ice and rock particles - some as big as houses - that were probably pieces of comets or asteroids that broke up before they reached the planet. It extends hundreds of thousands of kilometers from the planet. In fact, Saturn and its rings would just fit in the distance between Earth and the Moon. Diameter of Saturn is 120,536 km and mass 95 x Earth.
Saturn on March 11 . 2006. Obtained through Celestron 9,25 at f30 on Phillips webcam Pro3D (1400 frames). Processed in Registax.

Saturn on February 05. 2005. Obtained through Celestron 9,25 at f30 on Phillips webcam Pro3D. Processed in Registax..

Saturn on April 21. 2004. Obtained through Celestron 9,25 at f31 on Phillips webcam Pro3D (Focal reducer f6,3 + TeleVue Barlow Powermate 5x). 400 frames are processed in Registax.

Saturn on March 01. 2003. Celestron 9,25, Barlow 2x and Phillips Vesta Pro Web Cam.
480 frames are aligned and stacked in Registax.

Saturn on 09. 01. 2002.
Image is obtained through Celestron 8 at f/50 using 5x TeleVue Powermate Barlow lens (thank you Larry :) and Pixcel 237 CCD.
20 - 25 images of each component (LRGB) are aligned and median combine in AIP for Windows software. Result is better than I ever did before :).
February 2001.
C8 at f 30 (eyepiece projection : focal length 6000mm ) on Fujicolor super G+ 200 and 4 second exposure
October 1997.
Iimage, show different angle of Saturn axis and prettier ring visibility (eyepiece projection, Fujicolor SGP 200).

Summer 1996.
Kodak Gold 400 with 1A filter, eyepiece projection.
Celestron 8.