Comet C/2001 Q4 (NEAT)
After several years, a comet visible to the naked eye finally arrived. First visible day on northern hemisphere was May 5. 2004. but I observe it first time on May 10. Here is view from observatory toward southwest on May 10. at 20:00 UT. (Canon EOS300D, 28mm, 30 second exposure, unguided).

May 10. 2004. 20:19 UT. Closer view through Celestron refractor 102mm/f5; 66 second exposure, Canon EOS 300D (800ASA).

NEAT C/2001 Q4 obtained through Celestron 9,25 at f6,3 (Celestron focal reducer). Canon EOS 300D , 800ASA, 108 second exposure. May 10. 2004.

May 14. 2004. 20:55UT. Comet near Beehive, open cluster M44 in constellation Cancer. Obtained through a Canon Telephoto lens 75 - 300mm at 150 mm focal length. Exposure on EOS300D was 136 second at 400ASA).

May 14. 2004. Moving of comet NEAT
May 18. 2004. Obtained at 19:56 UT through a Celestron refractor C102/f5 (Canon EOS 300D, 800ASA, 127 second exposure).

May 19. 2004. Obtained at 20:38 UT through a Celestron refractor C102/f5 (Canon EOS 300D, 800ASA, 124 second exposure).

May 24. 2004. Obtained at 21:11 UT through a Celestron refractor C102/f5 (Canon EOS 300D, 800ASA, 133 second exposure).